Centre for technology transfer at UCTM
BiOrgaMCT project

Bioactive organic and inorganic advanced materials and clean technologies under the procedure “Establishment of a network of research universities in Bulgaria”

Centre for technology transfer at UCTM
BiOrgaMCT project

Bioactive organic and inorganic advanced materials and clean technologies under the procedure “Establishment of a network of research universities in Bulgaria”


Transfer of knowledge from the scientific laboratories of UCTM to industry and entrepreneurs

Our mission is to protect the intellectual property of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy and to seek the best possible market realization of the products and technologies created as a result of UCTM research activities.

Main goal

Supporting the technology transfer between business demand and innovative products and technologies offered by UCTM

The transfer of a university’s intellectual property to the market takes place through various models, such as: licensing the use of a technology to third parties, contracts between individual companies and the university, consortia between universities to support research.

CTT Activity Plan

The main activities within the Strategic Programme of CTT:

Conducting workshops in Bulgaria and abroad to enhance the capacity of CTT

Organizing and conducting trainings on intellectual property, commercialization, etc. for lecturers, PhD students and students participating in the research groups

Conducting trainings and preparing young scientists for participation in accelerator programs with developments at the university

Development of at least 3 student technology companies during the project period and piloting of their achievements, mentoring programme and contacts with relevant industrial companies

Strengthening collaboration between the research community at UCTM and relevant industrial companies; knowledge and technology transfer between them

Verification of patentability and preliminary assessment of the economic potential of the scientific developments part of the programme, including the procedures for intellectual property protection of new developments

Consultancy and expert support in the preparation of market studies, support in development activities, preparation of patent applications, etc.

Determination of the degree of technological readiness and support in the preparation of a business plan, including negotiations with potential investors in the developed idea.

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Други цели на Центъра по трансфер на технологии

  1. Оказване на помощ при изработване на патентните описания и оформяне на патентните претенции: Задължителен етап в процеса на осъществяване на трансфер на технологии е патентоването на предлаганото решение или признаването на полезен модел, на който собственик или съсобственик е ХТМУ. Това дава възможност на по-късен етап в процеса на трансфериране на технологията да бъдат генерирани приходи за университета на базата на лицензионни договори или договори за ноу-хау /предоставяне на специфично знание срещу възнаграждение/. Регистрирането на патента или полезния модел задължително трябва да предхожда публикуването на резултатите от изследването.
  2. Проследяване на развитието на набелязани за технологичен трансфер (ТТ) разработки с цел осъществяване на ТТ. Провеждане при необходимост на предпазарни проучвания и изработване на финансово-икономически оценки от сътрудници на ЦТТ за ползата от реализацията на конкретния ТТ при финализиране на конкретната разработка. Документално оформяне на реализирания ТТ.

Научи повече за другите ни дейности

  • Разработване на методики за оценка на нови технологии и технологичен одит
  • Организиране на семинари, конференции и срещи между разработващите технологии и потребителите на технологии
  • Контакти с други центрове за трансфер на технологии в страната
  • Проучване потребностите на пазара чрез провеждане на технологични одити във фирми- потенциални внедрители на научни резултати
  • Провеждане на маркетингови и предпазарни проучвания във връзка с изгодата от трансфер на технологии, разработени в ХТМУ
  • Организиране на обучение, свързано с технологичния трансфер
  • Създаване и поддържане на сайт на ЦТТ, основно насочен към две целеви групи:
    • представители на бизнеса, на които се предлага информация за патентовани или разработващи се иновативни технологии, които биха били полезни за дейността им.
    • студенти, докторанти, млади научни работници, на които се предлага обучение.

Other objectives of the Technology Transfer Centre

  1. Assistance in drafting patent descriptions and formalizing patent claims: A mandatory stage in the process of technology transfer is the patenting of the proposed solution or the recognition of a utility model owned or co-owned by HTMU. This enables revenue to be generated for the university at a later stage in the technology transfer process on the basis of licensing agreements or know-how contracts /provision of specific knowledge for a fee/. The registration of the patent or utility model must necessarily precede the publication of the research results.
  2. Tracking the development of identified technology transfer (TT) developments with a view to implementing TT. Conduct pre-market studies where necessary and prepare financial and economic assessments by CTT collaborators on the benefits of implementing the specific TT when finalising the specific development. Documenting the implemented TT.

Learn more about our other activities

  • Development of new technology assessment and technology audit methodologies
  • Organisation of seminars, conferences and meetings between technology developers and technology users
  • Contacts with other technology transfer centres in the country
  • Exploring market needs by conducting technology audits in companies – potential implementers of scientific results
  • Conducting marketing and pre-market studies in relation to the benefits of technology transfer developed at HTMU
  • Organisation of training related to technology transfer
  • Creation and maintenance of a CTT website mainly aimed at two target groups:
    • business representatives who are offered information on patented or developing innovative technologies that would be useful for their business.
    • students, PhD students, young researchers who are offered training.