Business discussion on Ecology and sustainable development


About the event

The meeting, which is organized by Vicors JSC, a subsidiary of The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), together with the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, was aimed at enterprises working in the field of chemical technologies and metallurgy, circular economy and waste recycling, as well as other environmental projects. The organization of the discussion was commissioned and financed by UCTM in connection with the implementation of project: BG-RRP-2.004-0002-C03, “BiOrgaMCT” (Bioactive Organic and Inorganic Advanced Materials and Clean Technologies) under the procedure “Establishment of a network of research universities in Bulgaria”.

The event was opened by the General Secretary of BCCI, Dr. Vasil Todorov, who thanked the participants for their presence and stated that BCCI will continue to work to improve the relationship between business and science. The theme of ecology and sustainable development is part of the big theme of the green transformation, which is one of the EU’s key policies.

Prof. Senya Terzieva, rector of UCTM, expressed hope that each of the present companies will receive useful information that will motivate them to use the scientific potential and infrastructure of the university in the future.

The audience, made up of business representatives, got acquainted with new developments in the field of ecology, based on the latest technological achievements. Innovative processes already implemented by companies were presented. Opportunities for collaboration were suggested.

The business discussion received great interest. More than 35 participants were present, including Stomana Industry SA, Svilocell EAD, Alcomet AD, Veolia Services Bulgaria EAD, Adreo EOD, Meteko AD, Zlatna Panega Cement AD, Biokom EOOD.

The meeting, which is organized by Vicors JSC, a subsidiary of The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), together with the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, was aimed at enterprises working in the field of chemical technologies and metallurgy, circular economy and waste recycling, as well as other environmental projects. The organization of the discussion was commissioned and financed by UCTM in connection with the implementation of project: BG-RRP-2.004-0002-C03, “BiOrgaMCT” (Bioactive Organic and Inorganic Advanced Materials and Clean Technologies) under the procedure “Establishment of a network of research universities in Bulgaria”.

The event was opened by the General Secretary of BCCI, Dr. Vasil Todorov, who thanked the participants for their presence and stated that BCCI will continue to work to improve the relationship between business and science. The theme of ecology and sustainable development is part of the big theme of the green transformation, which is one of the EU’s key policies.

Prof. Senya Terzieva, rector of UCTM, expressed hope that each of the present companies will receive useful information that will motivate them to use the scientific potential and infrastructure of the university in the future.

The audience, made up of business representatives, got acquainted with new developments in the field of ecology, based on the latest technological achievements. Innovative processes already implemented by companies were presented. Opportunities for collaboration were suggested.

The business discussion received great interest. More than 35 participants were present, including Stomana Industry SA, Svilocell EAD, Alcomet AD, Veolia Services Bulgaria EAD, Adreo EOD, Meteko AD, Zlatna Panega Cement AD, Biokom EOOD.


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